Business Conferences that Can Improve Your Professional Level

FMI ABC (Annual Business Conference)

Location: Chicago, IL

Dates: Usually September-October

FMI ABC offers joint business planning and strategic opportunities to better prepare post-crisis planning and operations. You can curate your business appointments, accomplish nearly 35 supplier meetings in four days, and roll your sleeves up to get the job done at FMI’s “hardest working meeting!”

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NBM (New Business Models)

Location: Place is changes every year (2020 – Netherlands, 2021 – Sweden)

Dates: Usually Summer

NBM is international online conference. 300 participants from around the world usually take part in the conference. More the 100 life presentations and 20 off-line key-notes and poster sessions present to audience. To make this happen, an innovative and ground breaking digital infrastructure was created due to combining the event software with the conference management software. Seven online conference rooms where created. Also, dedicated software was written to enable the creation of Roundtables. During the two days of the conference, the participants live in a virtual world.

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SIBR (The Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research)

Location: Asia (Japan, Korea)

Dates: Several times a year

The SIBR Conference theme is “Advancing Knowledge from Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Research and Development“. The SIBR conference brings together academics and professionals from all business and economics disciplines to share latest research findings and brainstorm new research ideas across disciplines. It is a unique forum for researchers with cross-disciplinary interests to meet and interact. Research papers using theoretical, quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods approaches are encouraged as are those using interdisciplinary approaches.

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